Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.

Category for sustainability / eco

M is for Mustang

M is for Mustang, B is for Boombox

Published March 3, 2009

My lovely friend Claudia Pearson, who lives in Brooklyn NYC, is an artist and illustrator. We were chatting during that cross over time, when one country awakes and the other is preparing for sleep,

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20,000+ Walk Against Warming, Sydney

Published November 5, 2006

Originally uploaded by benhamin. It was raining, but it didn’t deter 20,000+ Sydneysiders from making a united stand on Global Warming. The national peaceful protest was organised by Climate Movement and through the Walk Against

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They Rule + Greenpeace = Exposed ExxonMobil Secrets

Published April 18, 2006

The secret’s out. Climate sceptics being funded by ExxonMobil can no longer hide behind the name of a front group. A new website – – exposes the links between ExxonMobil money and the

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The Meatrix 2: Revolting

Published April 9, 2006

Leo and Moophias are back. Brilliant parody on the Matrix, that drills home the need for consumers to buy sustainably and not support factory farming through purchase. We all need to wake up to

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Ask your MP about Climate Change

Published February 24, 2006

Sticky Question is the latest video promoting The Big Ask. It has one simple aim – getting people to ask difficult questions about climate change so the Government is persuaded to take action.

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Hot Products :: Future Currents

Published December 8, 2005

What if energy saving products looked so good that people, well, just wanted them. RED invited five design teams to create products they think would make energy saving desirable. The responses included new products,

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