Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.

Category for podcasts

Bobcasting, a world first?

Published January 19, 2006

My good friend Dave, of Digital Eskimo, has enabled Senator Bob Brown of the Greens to podcast via a mobile phone. The Eskimo’s did this sometime ago and I really wonder why its taken

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Daily Telegraph appoints first podcast editor

Published December 16, 2005

LONDON – The Daily Telegraph has become the latest newspaper to raise the profile of its podcasting output, appointing its first dedicated editor for the service. The newspaper has announced that former BBC Radio 5

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Ricky Gervais tops podcast chart

Published December 15, 2005

Ricky Gervais tops podcast chart for Guardian Unlimited, according to latest figures from Apple. Read article on Digital Bulletin. Get the podcast from the Guardian. Public transport benefits from outbursts of laughter after all –

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