Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.

» graffiti / street art


Published December 12, 2005

PSP DISS Originally uploaded by NO

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Published December 12, 2005

PSP DISS Originally uploaded by NO FUTURE.. Guerilla marketing, ape shit more like – the streets, coming back at

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Close-up on PSP graf, from !Habit Forming

Published December 6, 2005

Originally uploaded by !Habit

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PSP Guerilla ads not having the desired effect?

Published December 6, 2005

Originally uploaded by !Habit Forming. Sony has hired local graffiti artists to promote the PSP in urban city areas, within New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Miami, & San Francisco. There seems to be a

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