Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.


IDEO :: The Ten Faces of Innovation

December 8, 2005

Tom Kelley is the General Manager of design & innovation agency Ideo. His book The Ten Faces of Innovation looks interesting (i haven’t read it).

Over the years, Tom has observed a number of roles that people can play in an organization to foster innovation and new ideas while offering an effective counter to naysayers. Among these approaches are the Anthropologist, the person who goes into the field to see how customers use and respond to products, to come up with new innovations; the Cross-Pollinator, who mixes and matches ideas, widely disparate people, and technologies to create new ideas that can drive growth; and the Hurdler, who instantly looks for ways to overcome the limits and challenges to any situation.

But go follow the link and tell me what you think, cause my reading list means I’m way away from this…

Category: books, design, innovation, whatever
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