Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.


Bobcasting, a world first?

January 19, 2006

My good friend Dave, of Digital Eskimo, has enabled Senator Bob Brown of the Greens to podcast via a mobile phone. The Eskimo’s did this sometime ago and I really wonder why its taken me so long to post this…

Anyway, we’ve trauled the web to see if there is any other instances of this technique being used, but can’t find anything.

Bob simply dials into a special number, shares his thoughts and opinion on a particular topic – the audio file is then topped and tailed with a jingle and automatically loaded onto his site for download.

Plenty of politicians have, and are using podcasting as away of reaching their electorate – this way is far more from the hip, and the honesty and sincerity really comes through. Listen to Senator Bob Brown.

Category: innovation, podcasts, web / phunk
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