Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.


Flickr installations…

December 8, 2005

This piece developed by Mediamatic in Amsterdam, in May of this year has been a catalyst for many of my ideas.

Flickr has made this type of installation truly possible – with its open and interface-able architecture allowing developers to tap into the API.

flickr peepshow by mediamatic, street scene

The Flickr Peepshow was the centrepiece for a variety of ‘flickr enabled’ installations. By SMSing tags (keywords) to a specific number image’s were pulled from the flickr server into the peep-holes for viewing. A very playful exchange between technology and interaction.

flickr peepshow, restaurant 11 amsterdam

By night clubbers and diners at Restaurant 11 were subjected to projected images that people had requested during the day at ‘Playing Flickr’, equally they could take control of the projections by SMSing tags too. See what they SMS’d.

For the closing night of the Flickr Peep Show, Martin Butler has created a shortened populist version of Ritter, Dene, Voss, renamed Flickr, Dene, Voss. While during the previous performance the spectacle was to be viewed through small peepholes, this time round the windows have been opened for a different experience.

Keep a close eye on Mediamatic , I will be.

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