Ben Cooper

Group Innovation Director M&C Saatchi Sydney. Co-Creator O Six Hundred Kayak. Proud father. Loving husband. British.


Anish Kapoor at the Tate Modern… 2002-2003

November 14, 2005

anish_kapoor.jpg This is old news, but something that I felt should be captured on my blog – this particular piece blew me away. I still remember the impact as I walked into the turbine room. This extruded flesh-like organism spanning the length of the Tate Modern… consuming everything.

Do you ever get that need, to keep ‘re-entering’ an environment to get the initial rush again – well this was one of those times.

anish_kapoor2.jpg “Anish Kapoor is renowned for his enigmatic sculptural forms that permeate physical and psychological space. Kapoor’s inventiveness and versatility have resulted in works ranging from powdered pigment sculptures and site-specific interventions on wall or floor, to gigantic installations both in and outdoors. Throughout, he has explored what he sees as deep-rooted metaphysical polarities: presence and absence, being and non-being, place and non-place and the solid and the intangible.”

Not my words… read the rest at the Tate Modern

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